Wills and Probate


Offering a total piece of mind!

Wills informs your family members and other people in your life how you would like your money, property, assets, and other possessions that you own to be dealt with in the event of your death
Your will can also tell your loved ones about your other wishes, such as instructions for burial, cremation, or your funeral preferences in as little or as much detail as you like.
But what happens if you die without a will? Unfortunately, your property and assets are then distributed according to the rules of intestacy. (link) These rules may not be aligned with your own personal preferences about who should receive what and when? If there are no qualified family members, assets may pass to the Crown. A will can prevent these things from happening.
If you plan to leave any money, property, or possessions to someone outside of your immediate family, a will is necessary. A carefully planned will can help reduce the inheritance tax that must be paid on an estate if it is a taxable one. Many people have successfully used wills to minimise taxes.
If you don’t have a will or it has been many years since you last made a will, take the time to make sure everything is in place.
Events that prompt us to make a will
There are certain times and changes in our situation that would require us to make or alter a will. For example,
marriage, separation, divorce, having a child, a serious medical diagnosis, or have another major life change, these will all require us to think about having a will in place or updating a current will. A will provides a legal document that will appoint a guardian for your children, protect a disabled loved one, and make certain that the people in your life receive the inheritance you intend for them.
One of the main reasons why people are hesitant to making wills is that they do not like to think about their death. Thinking about our demise is never nice, but by not making a will you risk leaving your loved ones without clear instructions. A will eases the burdenon the family by providing clear direction about your wishes for everything from your funeral wishes to how, and to whom, your possessions will be distributed.